• I’ve only very recently took on a very keen interest on the life and times of Marie-Antoinette. It all started after I watched Sofia’s work. Now, before the e-vultures come and attack my attribution, I initially thought Sofia’s production was lame. I “attempted” to watch her movie back in ’07, but couldn’t fathom the music with the period piece. After about 30 minutes or so, I turned it off.

    5 years later(i.e last night), oddly enough, out of the blue I decided to give that movie another go. This time the movie went 120 minutes, and I was completely captured by it. In fact, I’ve seen it THREE times – in a row. The movie was her interpretation of the novel by Fraser.

    Perplexed by everything, I started reading all materials surrounding the story/setting/piece/historical accounts/accuracy/fact & fiction.

    Most articles I’ve come across attributed the sacking of the Bastille & the Women’s March as the primary turning points of the Revolution.

    The story about the diamond necklace was something I did not knew about, until I stumbled upon this website.

    I think the author has made a very valid argument about how the diamond necklace was the real catalyst behind the revolution.

    I now wish to visit the Versailles ! No, I’m not a royalist supporter, nor am I a buorgeoise by any stretch of imagination. In fact, I consider Ernesto Guevara to be a true people’s hero (with some needed captions to clarify his life’s later decisions…)

    With all that said, and what I’ve read so far about Marie-Antoinette, I am sympathetic for her.

    Today’s corporate world can learn a lot from the events that lead to the French revolution.

    Keep up the good work. Any web forum will attract the usual defractors and nay-sayers, but to keep a website running for 10 years is dedication. Just wanted to acknowledge that.



    March 21, 2012
  • hey how do you cite this website?

    April 19, 2012
  • ♔ la dauphiine ♔ – Connecticut-based jewelry monger, history buff, Mets fan. On the hum-drum side, call me a lauded poet, novelist and ghost-writer. (That's right, I haunt prose.)


    Your blog is amazing! Where did you find a picture of infamous necklace in color.

    May 03, 2012
  • Thank you for this it helped with my paper also and now I know more

    May 08, 2012
  • What I think people should understand, and this site obviously means to do, is give insight into a time period that is greatly debated about. History isn’t about dates and events. It’s about how a single human emotion can shape not only that person’s life, or the people around them, it can change an entire nation. It can lead to a debate hundreds of years later.

    I beg, all of you, to understand that anger, frustration, ignorance, selfishness, fear, and above all else hope can trigger so much. Marie Antoinette was ruled by emotions. In her position, especially given the era she lived in, could show that. The only way to keep herself from exploding was to ignore those feelings. The feeling of useless at not being able to consummate her marriage, not to mention conceiving a child who is the be heir of France. The feeling of shame and disappointment at those same things. Women, especially royal women, were raised with the single purpose of being a figure head that pops out a male heir so as to secure a tie to the crown. She wasn’t able to do that. The only way to deal with those emotions, was to find someway to ignore them. If that meant spending vast amounts of money or having multiple love affairs… then so be it. She was a human being. She was a person, not a robot. In that day and age, she did what she had to keep herself from going crazy. Though she had a taste for opulence, in her later years, after the marriage had been consummated, and a male heir produced, she toned down her spending, and tried her best to fix the mistakes she had made. She was dealt a horrible hand. Her purpose in life was to be the cause of the French Revolution.

    From the day that she was born, it was destined to happen. She was a woman born and bred for the day she got beheaded. Her elegance, grace, and poise carried her through. So she possibly shit herself on the way to be beheaded… wouldn’t you? She was only human.

    Her impact on the world can be viewed as both positive and negative. The point is that, while she was alive, she made a statement. She changed a nation. No matter how unknowingly, she did it. What have you done? You’ve written comments on a blog about how silly she was. Congratulations. Maybe you should take some of that negative energy, and try to change the world. For better or for worse, do something.

    If someone is talking about you in 200 years, I’ll apologize, but chances are, they won’t be.

    Good or bad, Marie Antoinette made an impact, not only on her country, but people around the world, and to this day, she is still being talked about. So consider this when you want to bitch about a monarch… have you changed to world?

    June 05, 2012
  • I have become fascinated with Marie Antoinette and all things attached to her.I have just finished reading the history text book by Antonia Fraser.I have learned so much about her story.Very tragic story. I am saving to travel to France and visit all things Marie Antoinette.Beside Versailles and The Petit Trianon does anyone have any suggestions where else to visit.I love this website and find it so informative.It is in my favourites. Thank you to the author.To all the people on here bitching about grammar and spelling, TAKE A CHILL PILL AND RELAX!

    August 25, 2012
  • jemimaemily


    thank giddy god you were here to help with my paper, only place on the internet that doesn’t just cover the story but tell you the significance and what it did to the reputations of the royals, so well written. 10/10

    November 08, 2012
  • Kristina, I think this is a very immature comment to have made. First of all you say that history isn’t all about dates and events. No, I agree with that. But surely you will accept that the dates and events that are used should at least be correct? I also agree with you that we have to look at Marie Antoinette for who she was: a human being. I can understand that, under her circumstances she can perhaps be partly absolved of blame for her actions. However, when you ask, “have you changed the world?” perhaps you need to think about what you’re saying. Marie-Antoinette was born into privilege and purely through her status and the fact that she married a French Dauphin meant that she was always going to be featuring in history books. Now, the fact that she had absolutely no awareness of reality outside her sheltered palace walls and her disgusting extravagance while the people of France were living in poverty simply cannot be praised. Yes, she changed the world, but very, very easily for someone in that situation. In fact, any Queen of France could find it easy to change the world for better or for worse. If any one of the people commenting here had the opportunity she had in being Queen of France, we probably could have mucked it up just as well as she did and changed the world in just the same way that she did. If all it took to change the world was to be utterly incompetent in a position of power, then I think many of us could find it extremely easy indeed.

    November 17, 2012
  • i love Marie Antoinette,shes interesting to learn about.

    December 07, 2012
  • Thankyou so much! I have a huge essay due on this topic and this is extremely accurate and helpful! Now I have to find out how to turn this into a 6 page research paper by Monday. Ahh the joys of being in IB.

    March 03, 2013
  • Wonderful synopsis of the Diamond Necklace affair, Bravo!
    I have a question regarding the trial. When I read Frances Mossiker’s book, Recommendation Five states among other punishments that le Comte de La Motte is to be branded with G.A.L on his shoulder. Are you aware of the meaning of this mark; I cannot find a reference to it anywhere.
    Vincent Stoppia

    July 21, 2014

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